A mental health crisis in the veterinary industry is costing lives. We’re striving to save them.
We (Kate, Garry, Tom, and Oliver) established Sophie’s Legacy, now a registered charity, following the death of our much-loved daughter and sister, Dr Sophie Putland.
Sophie took her own life at age 33 on September 4th, 2021, while working as a vet in Melbourne. She was working in a profession she loved and was passionate about. But the stress that came with it took its toll.
Over the last three decades the rate of suicide in this profession has steadily increased with research confirming that veterinarians are four times more likely to die by suicide than the general population, and two times more likely than any other health professional.

Our first campaign was to conduct a survey and gain industry insights. It attracted responses from almost 600 vets and staff in 10 days, many of whom were aged under 35. The respondents fearlessly and frankly outlined the critical issues facing the industry including client abuse, excessive workloads and hours, and vet and staff shortages.
Via our active social media accounts, we now receive correspondence from people the worldover. We know the reality of your experience and are speaking out for you.
Change is possible.
Key Outcomes | Vet Staff
To promote a safe and nurturing environment in which all veterinary staff can flourish
Key Outcomes | Public
Alert all Australians to the mental health crisis within the vet industry and create positive change through education and advocacy
Key Outcomes | Government
Engage with industry and government to promote sustainable workplace change & influence policy
Know the issues, that’s our biggest plea. Share them too.
Make the promise to treat all veterinary staff with the necessary respect, whether you’re visiting a clinic or working in one. Kindness spreads.
You can donate, grab some wonderful Sophie’s Legacy merchandise to display our logo and kick start important conversations. And we welcome ideas to collaborate.
We also have a growing social media following that we actively nurture. It’s a valuable space to provide education, share event information and create connections between like-minded people.